About Us
Hi-Tech Firming BD is a research, development, business and innovation organization that aim to smart agricultural and industrial development in Bangladesh through 4th Industrial revolutionary (4th IR) technology.
The 4th IR is an advanced digital technology, change the environment in the agricultural farms and factories through implement of smart technology. The 4th IR concept combines with Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), that have done in sensor-based precision agriculture farming and industrial automation,
Our Mission & Vision
The Primary focus of the company is to develop sensor based smart agricultural farming and industrial automation device in Bangladesh. HiTech Farming has other expertise such as aquaculture mechanization, design and construction of smart agri, aqua and livestock farm, importation of fisheries and agricultural product and agricultural and industrial automation and biomedical instrument.
Our aim is to use less input, higher production and income, lower environmental pollution with the motto of smart agricultural farming in Bangladesh.