Dr. Muhammad Jahangir Hossain Sarker
AdvisorDr. Muhammad Jahangir Hossain Sarker is a Registered Professional Engineer (P. Eng.) in the province of Ontario, Canada. He has research experiences in areas of Electrical Engineering such as: Communications; Digital Systems including advanced computer architectures, Embedded systems; Autonomous Systems including intelligent systems; Circuit design including VLSIC; Biomedical instrumentation and robotics. He obtained his B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronics degree from Bangladesh Engineering University, M. Sc. (Tech.) in Electrical Engineering, Specialization: Telecommunication Technology, Lic. Sc. (Tech.) in Electrical & Communication Engineering, Specialization: Wireless Telecommunications Engineering and D. Sc. (Tech.) in Electrical & Communication Engineering from Aalto University, former Helsinki University of Technology, Finland.

Engr. Md Abu Tahir
AdvisorHe is former “Member (distribution)” in Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB). He has Technical and administrative managerial experience more than 35 years including more than 08 years of experience in senior management position in Govt. organization. He worked about 03 years in the position of Dy. Team Leader of international Consulting team in the power sector. He is capable to intense exposure to technical aspects of project planning, design and development. He obtained B. Sc. Engineering in Mechanical from BUET. After that, he worked in different Govt. and private organizations. He has burst innovative capability and experience in Erection, Testing & Commissioning of newly developed projects. He has best performance to train up the organizational officers & staffs and also demonstrating knowledge in Labour Law, Corporate Governance and thus enabling in bringing fruitful changes in organizational culture.