Our Products

Apurbo is a generic automation device, which have ability to collect data from sensor and analyze the sensor data and run the machine.
· GSM/WiFi/IR based sensor network and machine controller
· Have interface for different types of sensors
· Realtime sensor-based monitoring
· Have sensor based Artificial Intelligence

- Integrated with online sensors such as temperature, humidity, moisture, pH, turbidity
- High power Machine controller for industrial automation
Upcoming Projects
"Online Real Time Thermostat"

Online Real time thermostat for Tilapia, Crab and Golda Hatchery in Bangladesh
Crab and Golda Hatchery is very important for fisheries sector of Bangladesh. For Crab culture in Bangladesh, Bangladesh totally depends on natural sources of crablet. It destroys our crab resource. For this purpose, Department of Fisheries, Bangladesh establish crab hatchery for artificial breeding of crab. For the successful operation of the crab hatchery, temperature maintain is the most important factor. Currently crab hatchery maintain the hatchery water temperature manually.
Currently we offer Online Real Time Thermostat for Crab and Golda Hatchery.
- It’s given you the real time temperature data of the water and environment of the hatchery.
- Monitor and control the temperature of crab and golda hatchery through internet.
- It is a cloud-based operating system and all data will be deposit in cloud server and can generate the report.
4.Control the hatchery water temperature by controlling the water heater
5.Can set the optimum temperature by IoT device
6.Operation method Wi-Fi/GSM/Infra-Red

Required equipment:
- Micro controller based controlling device
- Web server
- Heat sensor
- Water heater
- Internet connectivity through Wi-Fi/GSM
- After installation support
Power Source
power source from Hatchery 220 Volt, 50~60 Hzs, for device operation we take power from hatchery and it is AC 220 volt. After that we convert it DC 5 volt and operate the micro controller and relay by DC current. Relay control the heating device which is single phase. Now it is in single phase and it is possible to change in 3 phases.
Now in Bangladesh Golda hatchery internal electricity is in Single phase. So, we use the single-phase power source.
Online Realtime thermostat can control the hatchery water temperature automatically. It can also store the data and can generate the report basis on stored data. It reduces the risk for hatchery operation due to temperature failure.
For operation of a Tilapia hatchery, it is very useful device. For tilapia hatchery operation, need 280C of water temperature for hatchery operation. In the early breeding season, specially the month of February, environmental temperature is below 280C. In the below 280C, of the hatchery water temperature, the success rate of tilapia egg hatching rate is lower. If we can control the water temperature, we can increase the tilapia hatchling production in the early season. In early season tilapia hatchling price and demand is higher and it bring a good income and probability for a tilapia hatchery.